HELLO@STENUNGSBADEN.SE | N58° 0,3 N - 11° 48,5 E.

The spa is closed 16-27/12

We wish you a merry christmas

Bluewater Sports and Health club closed December 16-27 2019

During the Christmas holiday, we take the opportunity to give our spa Bluewater a refreshing treatment of its own! It will be renovated, cleaned, oiled and ready for reopening December 27th at 12:00.
Take the opportunity to book a treatment for the New Year or come to simply enjoy our spas’ new beauty fix.
Book treatments >>
Phone: 0303-72 68 55

For those of you who aren’t quite finished with holiday gift giving, a spa flat package is a great idea for your loved ones that they will cherish for a long time.
We are open to gift card sales December 22-23 from 19:00 – 20:00 or December 24 14:00

Book treatments

Place: Stenungsbaden